want to work together?

My unique "phoenix ultimate" transformation programme is an entirely different approach to getting fit. instead of treating the symptoms, my programme addresses the root cause, the real reason that has stopped you from getting the body you want


We will completely change what you believe about your body, fitness and food.

If you believe you are destined to have the body you have, it won’t change. 

Ask yourself how much does this belief hold you back on a daily basis? Before your journey can begin it is vital you “reboot” your beliefs. This is why this is the first step in the process.

Because, what you believe, you achieve.


We will establish the body you want.

We will explore and discover what the body you want looks and feels like. Do you want to gain muscle and definition? Do you want to lose or gain weight? Do you want to be more flexible? Do you want to concentrate on a particular area of your body, or do you just want to fit in your favourite pair of jeans? This is a very exciting and important part! It is like deciding on a holiday destination, we can’t pack a suitcase unless we know where we are headed. That’s why we decide on the body you want before we establish an exercise and nutritional programme.


You will understand nutrition.

You will learn about nutrition while exploring your menu and eating habits. This step will create a strong foundation for lasting change, and it is vital. You will gain a good understanding of nutrition, and be able to implement what you have learned into your own food plan! You will be able to effectively plan your food menu, including when you are having that chocolate or a glass of wine. We establish your eating plan now, before we start on your fitness, so that you have the right fuel to work out!


You will receive your Personality Report and we design your fitness plan based on it.

A Personality Profile is focused on understanding what motivates you and what keeps you motivated. This is super important as we are all motivated by different things. We will spend time exploring your exercise history and discuss what has and has not worked for you in the past. Some people are impulsive and get bored with routine, while others love a structured approach. What motivates you? When we know the answer, we can decide on the most effective fitness plan for your personality style. Once you know your motivational touch points, it will give you the power and energy to keep on track. Without this knowledge your fitness plan will be hit- and- miss, just like it was before.  The personality fitness plan we design will keep you focused, motivated and inspired.


You will now be ready to put your fitness plan into action!

In previous steps we were setting you up on the path to success, changing your beliefs, focusing on the body you want, educating you on nutrition and looking at your personality style. In Step 5, I will be your Zoom Personal Trainer! During the next 12 weeks, I will design and facilitate a powerful 1-hour long Personal Training session on Zoom tailored just for you. Many PT’s fail at educating their clients, they explain how but not why. My PT sessions will be physical, educational and motivational.

I instruct, supervise and empower. By the end of the programme you will have a clear understanding on how to structure your future exercise regime.


We will have regular Coaching meetings to keep you on track.

I will check in with you every two weeks in an hour long Zoom Coaching session. During these sessions, we will celebrate your wins, set goals, new challenges and build on successful momentum. These sessions will allow us to deal with any obstacles or unhelpful beliefs that will come to light as we journey on. 


If you are ready to start the journey, change your life and get the body you want, let’s get started! Contact me below. 

I am ready to contact Anna

Please note! Free coaching sessions are limited to 5 lucky ladies each month and fill up quickly! I will be in touch with you in the next 24 hours*
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